Texas Vehicle History Report

A vehicle history report is a detailed description of the car’s performance.  This report is an important document when you are buying or selling a car. If you are thinking of buying a car in Texas, a vehicle history report (VHR) will help you decide if the car you are looking to buy is worth your money or not. It is therefore an important tool to protect you against buying a lemon.

Many car dealers or sellers may not be forthcoming about the negative points or problems in a car, simply because they want their car sold at a good price. At times, you make all kind of checks, but may still end up making a bad purchase because you do not know the history of the car; and there is nothing much you can do after you have made the purchase. To avoid such an unpleasant and frustrating experience, it is always advised to order a vehicle history report before you put down any money. It may cost you a little, but think of it as saving money in the long run and minimizing your risks.

To order a vehicle history report, you just need to know the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) which is a 17-digit number which serves to identify the car and important details about it. The report reveals the complete history of a car – it holds the registration records, title checks, odometer checks, car usage and damage information.

Imagine trying to find all that information on your own. It will be time consuming and not as secure. With a VHR you can be sure that the source is authentic and the information is reliable.  VHR not only helps in the buying process but may also be beneficial for the seller. If a buyer has a vehicle history report, it gives the potential consumer confidence and if the report is good, the seller looks good. With the report in hand, the sale process can be accelerated and you may also get a better price for the car you are wishing to sell.

Where does the information contained in the Texas DMV car history report come from?

Texas DMV collects information from multiple sources, both private as well as public. Prominent amongst these are auction houses, rental and fleet companies, and insurance companies. It also draws on statistics from registration and title documents. Reports by state police and fire departments also provide data that features in vehicle history reports.

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