Virginia Vehicle Identification Number

A vehicle’s identification number (VIN) is a 17-digit number assigned to every vehicle. It is unique for every vehicle. It is mandatory for the vehicle to have a vehicle’s identification number in order for it to be licensed, registered and insured.

Each VIN number must conform to International Standards Organization ISO 3779 and US standards FMVSS 115. This number is used to identify the vehicle and includes the production number, make and model. All vehicles’ details can be known once the VIN is decoded. It is made up of following characters 0-9, A-Z ; excluding letters I, O and Q.

Virginia Vehicle’s Identification Number can be obtained for the following types of vehicles.

  • Reconstructed vehicle.
  • Specially Constructed Vehicle.
  • Replica Vehicle.

You are required to fill in an application for assigned vehicle identification number. Following information has to be provided.

  1. Complete vehicle information (make, body type, number of axles, year or construction date, current VIN)
  2. Owner’s personal information ( name, telephone, address, also if there is a co owner, his/her data as well)
  3. Reason for application of VIN.
  4. Bill of sale.
  5. Photo of Vehicle.
  6. Original title.
  7. Certificate of origin.
  8. Payment of fees. ($130 for specially constructed motor vehicle, $140 for missing, changed or altered plate, $5 for homemade trailer)

Once you have filled in the aforementioned details, submit this form in the Virginia DMV office. Soon after the information has been verified and is processed, VIN is issued to the applicant. Next step is installation of the VIN. Make sure it is installed on the same vehicle whose information was given in the form. It is usually installed on a metal plate in the engine compartment and somewhere else on the body of the car.

The vehicles cannot be sold or bought without a valid VIN.  No two cars built within 30 years of each other can have the same VIN. These are like fingerprints of the vehicle. They help to keep track of problems, ownership changes, and deter theft. And the DMV in Virginia is specifically concerned with vehicles who do not have a VIN because such vehicles are more prone to be used for illegal purposes.

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