Car Insurance in California

California insurance law
The state of California is the most populous state in the United States and is therefore estimated to have highest numbers of vehicles in the US. The state’s government, for the protection and safety of its drivers, has enacted many laws regulating traffic, vehicle registration and insurance matters. In California, a vehicle driver is legally bound to have a proof of financial responsibility. There are different examples of financial responsibility like auto insurance, a cash deposit of $35,000 with DMV, a DMV issued self-insurance certificate or a surety bond worth $35,000 from a company licensed to do business in California. If a driver decides to buy car insurance then the state requires that he/she buys liability insurance which covers the following:

  • $15,000 for death or injury to one person
  • $30,000 for death or injury to more than one person
  • $5,000 for damage to property

Cheap car insurance in California
Cheap car insurance is available in California. The best way to look for them is on the internet, where hundreds of insurance companies’ websites can be visited and their quotes can be compared before deciding which cheap car insurance to buy. Cheap car insurance in California can be bought online which is both safe and efficient. The buyer does not need to visit the local office of the insurance company or talk to their agent on the telephone; the way car insurance has been bought in the past.Cheap car insurance can be bought 24/7 from the comfort of one’s own home and after doing research to get the best quote.

Despite the fact that cheap car insurance is available in the state, for some, cheap car insurance still remains a dream. The state, therefore, has enacted laws to cover these financially-constrained drivers by covering them under California’s Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program (CLCA). The main objective of the program is to provide liability coverage at affordable rates to those who qualify for the program.

Where can I get some car insurance quotes California? Does the California DMV offer any quotes?

No, the DMV of California does not deal in auto insurances directly so doesn’t offer any quotes. However, there are several private companies that have been licensed by the state of California to issue insurance policies. There are several online resources where you can get free quotes against some basic details that you provide. Explore more sections of our site for further details.

How will I know which is the best car insurance California?

You should not hurry in choosing a car insurance policy. Be sure to go through all the current quotes and policies. There is no defined method to determine what insurance policy is the best. Whichever policy you opt for, make sure it fits your needs and is fulfilling the minimum auto insurance requirements of the state.

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